One of my favorite neighborhood cats, “orange” , is actually named Poupon (as in Grey, and I enjoy the irony). There is another kitty that I regularly address, whose name now as I type escapes me. But, the point of the story is this. Somehow bf was telling the ladies about how we name all the animals something and refer to them as that name-- either indefinitely or until we learn their real name.
Michelle, owner of the kitty who looks a lot like this:
wants to know what we call her kitty. I wasn’t quick enough on my feet to say "Kitty" or "Oreo" or any number of other innocuous cat names.
First, I stammered.
Then, I fessed up—“Kitler, you know b/c of the moustache."
THANK GAWD they were not offended.
Lesson Learned, BTW. No more naming neighborhood cats after Tyrannic Genocidal Maniacs. (EVEN if you have seen a website that is devoted to cats who look like them: Cats That Look Like Hitler.)
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