It's Good To Be Popular

Sunday, August 8, 2010

4 Miles

I am writing this entry from my phone because my legs hurt too darn much to make the 20 foot trek to the computer. Hal Higdon-I sure hope you are an evil genius. Otherwise, you are just evil.

The muscle misery began when I stepped off the treadmill. I nearly fell. In the two hours since, the soreness has increased with a swiftness. Not since the spelunking adventure of 2009 have I been this aware of my legs. Consequently, the cave exploration adventure was another of my awesome ideas (in my defense, the brochure mentioned neither the bats nor their poo).

In any case, we are doing this thing. Thank goodness that tomorrow is strength training. I hope I have the strength to lift a glass to my lips.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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